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Map of area between SK151827 and Shatton Edge, SK194813

This map shows you the line of sight between your site and the distant TV transmitter in the horizontal plane. If you know the area you may get a feel of why you have any line of sight issues you may have. Alternatively switch to satellite or hybrid view to see what is on the ground. It is also nice to confirm that there is evidence of a transmitting mast at the transmitter location. Note that I will not generally score a direct hit on the transmitter mast (or your house!) because the national grid refs used are only accurate to about +/- 100m.

Your aerial should be aligned on a beam heading of 108

You may need to zoom out on very long paths.


Selecting and siting your TV aerial

Aerial system components

Why DTT is different from an analogue install


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terrain program adapted from G4JNT, PHP charting from Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen M E g A L i T h i A
Text and photographs ¤ RM 1992-2005 unless otherwise credited
version 0.96 Saturday September 21 2024 03:00